Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cruise Control

It's been a while since I last posted, but I'm now down 30 lbs. in 6 weeks. What a great feeling! I lost 7 lbs. since my last weigh in and almost can't believe it!

Can we talk about temptation? I baked a double layer, triple chocolate cake for my husband's birthday last week. It was also my daughter's birthday at the end of April and another cake. Mother's Day was also a temptation. I spent last weekend at my mother's and the good: I worked in the yard (hard labor type stuff) for two hours. The bad: she took the family out to Pizza Hut for dinner! Did I mention that pizza is one of my weaknesses? But I did good and kept my fingers off the cake and pizza.

At my latest weekly meeting, I was chatting with a fellow weight loss patient about our temptations. She said she wouldn't have been as strong as I was with the cake and pizza. That made me feel good.

There were a couple of days last week when I was just famished. I thought I'd be past the hungry phase, but not so. Luckily, most days I have to cram in the rest of my calories in the evening because I haven't eaten enough for the day. I'm thinking the hunger may have been because of TOM.

I've been noticing my rings are looser and my dress pants are nearly falling off of me. However, my jeans (which have some stretch in them) are not loose on me yet. Even though I've lost 10% of my weight, I can't help having that overwhelming feeling that I have so far to go.

How has my exercise been? Well...last week not so good. Which is why I'm puzzled as to how I lost so much weight. But I'm back on the bandwagon this week and got in a nice hour workout at the Y tonight with 30 minutes on the bike and 30 minutes of strength training. I'm blessed that my daughter Emma likes to go with me and enthusiastically pushes me to get out the door and get 'er done!

I'm going to say something nice about my husband. During our camping weekend a couple of weeks ago, I was helping the kids put together some hobo pies when my girlfriend asked me to make one for her too. My hubby jumped to my defense and said "don't make the woman who can't even eat one make one for you - make your own!" **smiles**

Recently, I was looking through some old pictures from last summer of my brother's wedding. I don't usually like to be in pictures, but this was a wedding after all. Good Lord - I look so incredibly fat in those pictures! Those pictures of me are a good chronicle of how heavy I had become. I dare say the heaviest I've ever been. They are good pictures of the "before" and I'm determined to have a very different "after" picture.

This week is the half way point for me on this program. I feel like I'm on cruise control. I hope it continues to be this easy.