Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Countdown Has Begun!

Today was my appointment with Dr. White at Grand Health Partners for a physical and EKG. The meeting went very well and she answered all my questions. She wants me to get labs done again - bummer! I guess my last labs didn't include everything she needed. This seems to be a very thorough program!

One thing I learned is that I have plantar fasciitis in my right foot and I will probably need to see a podiatrist. Dr. White says it is extremely important to fix any problems I might have that will hinder my ability to exercise. I have still been walking, but especially after last Tuesday night's walk, I could barely use my right foot. Dr. White gave me some referrals that I will follow up on.

Finally - a date to start! I have an appointment on Monday to get the actual VLCD program started. I will meet with the nutritionist and behaviorist. When I go home, I'll have the food and everything needed to get started.

Unfortunately, I must admit I've been pigging out. These last few days before the diet, I've been trying to savor everything. I've had Chinese food, Mexican (my favorite!) and Girl Scout cookies! According to my weigh-in this morning, I've gained a couple of pounds despite my twice weekly walks. Seems a little counterintuitive to put on weight before a diet, but I don't want to deprive myself before I have to!

Something I don't think I've mentioned before is that my girlfriend called me up last week and told me about some free diet food she saw on craigslist. I ended up getting a bag of sample food that is actually for my diet! I've been cautiously testing them to see what I like and don't like so I don't waste my money on stuff in the store. This morning, I tried the apple and cinnamon oatmeal (pitiful serving!) and decided this flavor is definitely not for me. The little freeze dried apple bits kept getting stuck in my teeth! But some of the other stuff was ok, like the protein bar and chocolate shake. There are a few more things to try, like spaghetti and meatballs and vegetarian fajita.

I'm so glad this diet allows me to eat somewhat regular food. During my research online, I've found some people on the VLCD only get shakes and bars. That would be a very boring (but convenient) diet. I've found a couple of blogs to follow: "The Skinny on VLCD's" on and "Tricia's Blog" at It seems these ladies are going through what I'm ready to do, and I need all the inspiration I can find!

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