Monday, April 19, 2010

Things are Rollin'

I know I haven't posted in a while, but things are going pretty good. I lost 4 lbs. for my week 2 weigh in and I just weighed in again tonight and lost 3 more. That's 15 lbs. in 3 weeks. Not too shabby.

The food is tolerable. I'm experimenting with different flavors of things and have decided that I like most of what is available. It's amazing what you can do with a packet of powder! And it keeps me fairly full. Some days I can go all afternoon without eating and then realize at the end of the day that I've only eaten 600 calories. Luckily, that is easily remedied with a chocolate peanut butter bar and a beef stick.

The weekly meetings are very informative. Last week's meeting was about learning a new type of exercise - tai chi. This week's meeting was about the 5 steps of grief and how we can relate them to grieving our previous way of eating.

My husband continues to cook dinners for the kids and I conveniently make myself scarce. He says because of my diet, he is eating less now too. My 14 year old daughter who is slightly overweight is also starting to count her calories and frequently accompanies me to the gym. I had no idea this would be such a big impact on my family!

Speaking of the gym, I've been working out 3 times a week. Mostly riding the recumbent bike and using the weight machines. Last Saturday, I brought home a pickup truckload of mulch for the gardens and spent the afternoon shoveling mulch from the driveway into wheelbarrows and then into the garden. Talk about a good workout! I felt that in my back and legs the next day!

I'm starting to notice a difference in how my clothes fit me. My size 26 jeans (which were actually getting tight *YIKES*) are now fitting me comfortably. I have a pair of underwear in the bottom of my drawer that are a size too small for me, but I keep as a backup pair. They would always roll down my gut because they were so tight, but I tried them on and they fit fine now! Some of my friends are telling me they can see a difference in me too.

So, I will continue on the straight and narrow. This plan is becoming very easy. I don't even have to really think about what I'm eating. My fear is what life will be like when I have to go back to regular food. Knowing my past, maintaining my weight loss will be my biggest challenge.

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